Once Upon a Time…

Dreaming Spires Summer 2020 Climate Science class created a story in one of our ice breakers. The story began…

Once upon a time, in a land far away, 15 people got together to solve all the world’s problems. Everything seemed easy, until one day one of the people saw on the horizon…

The only rule was that their part of the story had to contain a hobby or passion.

Once upon a time, in a land far away, 15 people got together to solve all the world’s problems. Everything seemed easy, until one day one of the people saw on the horizon a strange tree like creature. It started to moan crawling towards them.  As it got closer, they saw that it had a crowd of cats, perched in its branches.  The cats started to scream and came flying out of the tree on flaming arrows.  The cats had eaten candy floss and threw up everywhere.  Suddenly some dolphins came to save them. We made cakes to thank the dolphins.  As the dolphins left, a giant hamster ball made entirely of plastic almost crushed everyone. We ran out of the way, but poor Gerald was crushed! We put our running shoes on and ran after them to tell them, but the dolphins were actually Lego consuming aliens! They turned and chased us.  We ran in the other direction, suddenly we heard a noise of lasers.  It was the Death Star, but it had been captured by the rebels!  They were shooting at the Dolphins! We kept running.  Yay! the Rebels were not after us.  They were protecting us from the Dolphins!  Safe, we all sat down to eat dinner.

Author: Kim@ mamabearscience

Kimberly Jones graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with her BSN and served in the military as a medic and behavioral health specialist before taking posts in pediatric and post-partum nursing. Since 2005, she has been teaching science in homeschool co-ops while homeschooling her own children, one of whom is now at university, another who served in the military, and two more who are still at home.

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